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Publicado: Jun 13, '16, 21:34
por keepeR*
I got banned by admin ceh9.

Cant understand why i got banned by wh, i didn't use any program in the time i get banned

unbanned me or atleast take me a photo...

Server # 274
[AMXBans] ===============================================
[AMXBans] You have been banned from this Server by Admin /A/ ceh9.
[AMXBans] You are permanently banned.
[AMXBans] Banned Nickname : keepeR*
[AMXBans] Reason : ' wh '
[AMXBans] You can complain about your ban @ www.espana-romania.es
[AMXBans] Your SteamID : ' VALVE_0 : 4 : 393324148 '
[AMXBans] Your IP : ' '
[AMXBans] ===============================================
Kicked : You are BANNED. Check y

RE: Wtf???

Publicado: Jun 13, '16, 21:51
por sebastian
in wich server?

RE: Wtf???

Publicado: Jun 13, '16, 22:08
por [Cobr@] |NeMeSiS|
In which server?


Publicado: Jun 13, '16, 22:16
por iDangel15
Del Dust2/Inferno, ese nombre con la "/A/" la usa Talent. Supongo que será decisión de el darle otra oportunidad o que diga Shaury
Keeper, you must to wait for the arrive of the admin who banned you. If he want to forgive you and give you 1 opportunity, you will be unbanned [emoji2]

RE: Wtf???

Publicado: Jun 13, '16, 23:50
por [Es-Ro] Neil
En ese momento estaba junto al administrador que realizó esta sanción y evidentemente llevabas WallHack, estabas esperándole detrás de cajas en A y apuntándole, y sin verle le mataste. No es obligatorio hacer fotos a un IDLAND.

RE: Wtf???

Publicado: Jun 14, '16, 03:42
por iDangel15
En inglés Neil ._.

RE: Wtf???

Publicado: Jun 14, '16, 15:03
por keepeR*
Neil, in that time i was covering the guy about to plant the bomb. I was covering the house of the ct base of inferno with awp

He appears suddently and i shoot i just made him loose 80 hp, i didnt even actually killed him
cant understand why he bans me with a wh?

i wasnt behind the box, i was peeking a little to see if hes coming, and he did >D

i shoot him and i didnt even killed him just made him loose 80 hp...

RE: Wtf???

Publicado: Jun 14, '16, 15:06
por keepeR*
Neil, en realidad yo no estar detras de caja, yo mirar casa de spawn ct y yo verle a ceh9 en silencio entrando por ahi

yo ya saber que el estar ahi, esque normalmente people ve ahi para defend a

yo no estar  detras de caja solo mirar asi si alguien entrar casa y ver ceh9 ...

Btw lo siento mi Espaniol is shit...

RE: Wtf???

Publicado: Jun 14, '16, 15:13
por keepeR*
sebastian escribió: in wich server?
Dust 2 - Inferno

RE: Wtf???

Publicado: Jun 14, '16, 19:02
por tal3Nt
El ban se h¡zo 3 rondas despues ya que cogi tiempo para mirarle mas y en esas 3 rondas note que no era el unico al que le salia disparando y claramente como dice neil ya que le hemos mirado entre los 2 wh descarao asi que no tengo mas cosas que ajuntar.